Monday, December 29, 2008


m4yor has made me realize that now theres no gf i can spend money on my self
gonna hit 09 hard and stop "dressing like a redneck"
gonna keep the hats though

LOOK FORWARD TO THE elchunko X m4yor TEE!!

Yeah, I'm Lazy

No new posts for a while, just totally forgot about this.
Nothing much has happened since then, oh cept me and my girlfriend of 18 months are done.
Yeah, it sucks i know.
Christmas was nothing to special, just stayed with the fams
Got lots of dress clothes cause apparently when i dress like a bum
Best part of the holidays so far was kicking people the fuck out of Nike on Boxing Day while running the door. People fucking lined up HOURS before the store opened, oh and Me and M4YOR hit the streets hard and copped some good shit
1: Crooks & Castles Basic Hoody
2: King Stampede Raw Denims
3: X-Large Pie in the Sky Tee
and lastly Marvel X New Era Fantastic Four 59Fifty

Im heading up to the cottage tommorow, so ill probably update this in a few days, hopefully alot of funny pics of me trying to snowboard hahahah
peace bitches

Monday, December 15, 2008


day one.....ate chinese, work was boring as shit
and m4yor made me do this

kk so uhh ill post something intriguing soontimes
too lazy tonight